Uganda is home to many revered cultural sites which offer you a chance to not only learn about the histories of the places but also experience their beauty and interact with the people who conserve them.
Beyond the sites, learn about another culture or the history of the country through conversation, food, dance, stories, lifestyles, and simply by sharing our humanness. Have a go at our rich music and dance varieties. Approximately, every 50 miles in any direction you travel in Uganda, you will encounter diverse forms of dance, rhythms and instruments. But even when the instruments are similar, the rhythms played, songs and dances will differ greatly. That is how rich Ugandan culture is! Learn a dance, a song, how to play an instruments or even how to make one through workshops in Kampala or travel to their origins to experience them in their authenticity such as the Madinda (xylophone) players of Busoga.
What is anything without food? We have great food here and the way we grow, harvest, and prepare it in education in itself. You can either embed your food experience in your other activities by exploring different restaurants every meal or you can choose to embark on a food tasting tour that will take you from our organic hole-in-the-walls to five-star restaurants to a home-cooked meal. Uganda has amazing food and great ambiances from which to eat it.
We believe you never really know or appreciate a place without making the effort to know its people. Travel and tourism are so much about forming relationships and getting an understanding of and appreciation for people we would normally not interact with. Bakumpe offers you a chance to engage with real people from all walks of life to share our humanness. Be a guest in someone’s home, experience what life is like to that individual single mother, a doctor, educator, entrepreneur, or whoever you may want to meet. Experience our night-life in what has been named East African’s Entertainment Capital, that is, Kampala. Most importantly, engage with the friendliest people in the world, Ugandans! In the end, it is the human relationships formed that impact us the most.
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